You must be 18+ to play! Gambling can be addictive, play responsibly!
Wheel of fortune: You can spin the wheel of fortune once every 12 hours for a chance to increase your ₷BITS points. Click on "Spin" to start. When the animation ends you will see how much you have won.
Coinflip: In Coinflip you can bet ₷BITS either on heads or tails for a win chance. Specify whether you want to bet on heads or tails. Then specify the percentage of your ₷BITS that you want to bet and click on the "flip coin" button when ready. You will see a popup message that indicates whether you won or lost after you press that button.
Click 2 Earn: You can play this game every 12 hours. Click on the logo, and the timer will start. Keep clicking the logo for 30 seconds to add to your ₷BITS points. When the timer reaches zero, click on the claim button.
Fruit: Click on 3 fruits from the table every 12 hours. Then click the check button to see if the fruit combination you selected is the winning one or not.